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April 26, 2019


Dubai Press Club (DPC) together with Dubai Film and TV Commission held an interactive workshop tackling the influence of cinema on media and its power to shape public views and opinions. The workshop is one of several being organised in partnership with Watani Al Emarat Foundation under the Media National Youth Programme (MNYP), which aims to enhance the knowledge, skills and expertise of Emirati students and media professionals in media.

Led by Jamal Al Sharif, Chief Officer Commercial Affairs, Dubai Development Authority

and Chairman of Dubai Film and TV Commission, the session explored several topics related to cinema, such as the economic impact of cinema on tourism; how cinema can serve as a bridge between cultures; how audio in cinematography can change a message and how science fiction movies affect reality.

Commenting about the importance of holding a workshop like this to educate youth, Jamal Al Sharif said: “In our digitalised world, we have a responsibility to educate our youth on the power that modern media has to shape public views and opinions. I would like to thank the Dubai Press Club for inviting me to speak at this important and timely workshop series.” He added that while the UAE is a tolerant society, “we must be mindful of creating and consuming media that is in line with our traditional values. I have witnessed first-hand the creativity and talent of our youth – which is why I encourage them to harness technology in order to show the world who we are and what we stand for.”

For her part, Director of Dubai Press Club Maitha Buhumaid said: “As the media continues to go through rapid changes and developments, the Media National Youth Programme, in its second edition, aims to equip young media professionals with a broad range of professional media skills and knowledge in various media disciplines.

Buhumaid expressed her appreciation to all the academic and media entities participating in the programme. She also pointed out to the importance of developing partnerships with leading entities in order provide Emirati youth with an integrated vision of the current media landscape and prepare them to enter the labor market easily.


Effective Tool

During the workshop, Al Sharif, who is highly regarded in the industry for his performance-driven experience as a media industry specialist, explored the influence of cinema on media and its political, economic and social impact. He spoke to youth about how films have an extraordinary ability to change the point of view of audience through audio and visual elements, which makes the cinema a very effective tool to influence the world.

The workshop, which also included film screenings, covered the current state of cinema in the Middle East and how it has been used to change the view of audience. It also examined other possible ways of creating and consuming media that is in line with our traditional values.


Cultural Bridge

Al Sharif further explained how the cinema is an effective mean of self-expression and serves as a bridge between different cultures and people.  He referred to many examples of how the cinema has played a powerful role in disseminating certain messages. The American film industry was used as an example to explain the influence of Hollywood movies on different parts of the world, in addition to the role it has played in promoting American values and ideals. Meanwhile, the Indian cinema was used as another example to discuss how films can be hugely influential in increasing awareness about various civilizations, thus serving as a bridge between cultures.


Cinema Vs. Reality

Highlighting the relationship between cinema and reality, Al Sharif explained how cinema reflects social realities. Al Sharif explained that the relationship between cinema and reality is very tight. Cinema is in fact an expression of reality, a way of influencing our views on different subjects.

This relationship was developed since the beginning of cinema and continued to develop throughout different times. The film industry began to address many issues of public interest, expressing dreams and hopes on one hand, and concerns and challenges on the other.

The session also touched upon the influence of cinema on politics, especially in times of crisis, and its ability to spread optimism and positivity among the public.

As Chairman of the Dubai Film & TV Commission, Al Sharif partners with Government of Dubai and private entities to increase media production in Dubai by developing filming incentives, nurturing growth of the local media talent pool, and marketing the emirate to regional and international producers.

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